In the beginning I have to say that English is not my mother tongue. It was very difficult for me to write this article in a plain and easy-to-understand English. But my desire to inform about what I have understood totally prevails here. If necessary, I will learn Chinese. I really, really try to convey this information to as many people as possible. I do everything I can. The information that I want to share with you is very important. The main goal of this article is to show you that all the numbers in the book of Daniel lead us to our times. These numbers are 2300 “mornings and evenings (2300 years), 70 “weeks”(490 years), and 1290 and 1335 “days( 2625 years). Also, I want to prove that two ‘rulers of the world’, Donald and Vladimir, are the king of the south and the king of the north respectively. And you will learn much more. Believe me, after reading my article to the end very closely, you will hardly say that this is a mere coincidence. What you’re going to learn from